5 Herbal Drinks That Are Good For Your Digestive System



Cumin tea has carminative and antispasmodic properties.

Herbal teas can be made with ingredients in your pantry and have health benefits too.

After indulging in a heavy meal or consuming certain ingredients, many people experience bloating and digestion issues. While some opt for antacids or other medications to alleviate these symptoms, a simple and cost-effective solution lies in brewing herbal teas at home. These teas, made with ingredients readily available in your pantry, not only aid in digestion but also promote overall health and may even contribute to weight loss. Dr. Vibha Verma, an Ayurvedacharya at Ursula Horsman Memorial (UHM) Hospital in Kanpur, suggests five herbal teas to address digestion-related problems.

  1. Cumin Tea: Cumin tea is known for its carminative and antispasmodic properties, which can help relieve flatulence and constipation. To prepare this tea, lightly roast cumin seeds, crush them and add them to a cup of water. Squeeze in a few drops of lemon for added freshness.
  2. Chamomile Tea: Chamomile tea boasts anti-inflammatory properties that help relax muscles, reduce stomach discomfort and aid digestion. It also has a calming effect on the body. Simply dip a chamomile tea bag in a cup of hot water to enjoy this soothing beverage.
  3. Fennel Tea: Fennel seed tea is excellent for addressing bloating and indigestion. It helps relieve post-meal discomfort and reduces gas while freshening the breath. Add a tablespoon of fennel seeds to a cup of hot water, then strain and consume.
  4. Ginger Tea: Ginger tea is renowned for its digestive benefits and its ability to combat colds and coughs. It stimulates salivary glands, increases bile production and aids in the proper digestion of food. Boil grated ginger in water for 15 minutes, then strain and mix with honey and lemon for a flavourful concoction.
  5. Mint Tea: Mint tea is highly effective in supporting digestion by strengthening the digestive system and alleviating issues like bloating, gas, and acidity. Boil a few mint leaves in hot water, strain and add a few drops of lemon for added freshness.

By incorporating these herbal teas into your daily routine, you can promote better digestion and overall well-being without relying on expensive medications. With their natural properties and soothing flavours, these teas offer a simple yet effective solution to common digestive ailments.

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